2016 Summary
Silent Thunder Ordnance
Huge thanks to all our friends, partners, and customers who have gotten us off the ground and made our launch a success. We will continue adding and developing products into 2017. Here is a quick rundown of our plans for the future:
Tail rings are surprisingly popular. We'll continue adding variants. The issue, as always, is that it takes a lot of one particular style tailring to pay down the cost of a host, particularly some of the trendy American designs which are rather expensive. As always, if you have calipers and a light you like, just purchase a "custom order consult" and we'll work with you to make a tailring to your specifications or GITD element for elsewhere on your light for that matter.
Our often teased >2,000kcd (that is 2 million candela) project marches on. There are a few hopefully minor engineering challenges to conquer. Beyond that, we also want to add a few style elements to the light, after all what is power without a little flair? If all goes well, before the end of Q1 2017, we'll have the most powerful production LED thrower in the world. It will have twice the power, one million candela more, than the Deft-X.
Among our recent custom projects, perhaps the most interesting was a request for a long range coyote hunting solution. Apparently coyotes don't notice red light? So we're told anyway. Regardless, we built what is likely among the most powerful red throwers ever made. A nice little red lightsaber. A series of little challenges, both electrical and optical, made this project more difficult than a simple LED swap.
That is all for now. Again thank you everyone for making STO a success, and we'll see you in 2017!