Custom Project - Red Triple
Silent Thunder Ordnance
On the face of it, a triple in red built around a Convoy S2 with an 18350 battery tube doesn't sound all that remarkable....... until I mention that it actually runs an 18500 cell.
This build request was done for a woman, whose request was a powerful red light that fit in "useless girl pockets." Challenge accepted. Finding the first 5, maybe even 10mm was comparatively easy. The last 5mm though really put up a fight. Nobody will ever know the struggle, but every single part in the light has been modified, shaved, skim cut on the lathe..... hell, even the rubber tail boot had a custom jig machined for it to precisely shave a fraction of a millimeter off it so the button assembly could seat deeper in the light.
I personally really love this project for two reasons. First, the light is a total sleeper. It doesn't even have a tailring. There is nothing to betray the fact that it is anything special, let alone a total performance animal. Second, it succinctly summarizes what separates us from a lot of the lego-modders out there. There is nothing wrong with swapping emitters and throwing in a new driver, but that just isn't the same thing as what we're doing here. Most of our products it is a lot less obvious than this, but stuffing a battery 15mm too long into a light, painstakingly skimming almost every part (usually on the lathe) to make her chooch..... that is the kind of modification we love to do.